The game "Space Marine" that came out ~a week ago is pretty fun. The campaign was fun, even though they made it pretty clear you can't be 100% melee. Grabbing a thunder hammer for 99% of the game was more punishment than anything. At least on hard difficulty it felt that way. I'd either plow through a spawn no problem with the Thunder Hammer, or have to restart it 5+ times because it's hard trying to melee everything.
If anything, I would highly recommend you do not go into the final boss fight with a thunder hammer. It was way too hard, and I had to rely on stupid A.I. to beat the game, rather than using the weapon correctly. There is a lot of ranged, or at least of lot of burst. So it's really hard to just melee through it on hard, even with fury.
The game was lots of fun though, and I loved fighting the bosses. The game's difficulty seemed to suffer from spikes. Some parts were fly through easy, others were so hard I had to restart some parts 10 times or more. I think half that is relying on the Thunder Hammer for the game, but they should make it possible to use that most of the game... There are certain parts where you have to shoot people down, and there are no two ways about it. You can't run up some path behind them, or climb the walls in front of them to punch them in the face. Nope, just have to shoot them down. Which can be a pain if all you have is a bolter, pistol, and thunder hammer.

Multiplayer is fun too, Melee feels broken though. It's either really easy, or really hard. Player skills can make playing melee a joke as well. Tactical marine sees you, gets to a better position, (even without this first part they can do the rest), you jump down and are either in his face, or close to. If in face, he has a second to action roll away. Now you are useless. If you're close to him, he can just action roll away if you get close enough to melee. He can just continue to kite you around until he kills you, or his team picks you off. Also, some Devestators/Havoks (big gunners) can kill you in their own face before you can kill them with melee. This is due to being more resistant to melee damage, having the ability to stomp and stun you, and then unleashing tons of bullets in your face that you can't do much about other than not be there. Yeah. Melee feels broken.
Melee rants aside, the game is great, runs pretty nice, looks pretty enough, and is worth it if you're a 40k fan.
(screenshots are of some of my customizations.) I might do a real review later of it, if people actually ask me to I will, otherwise I'm not sure if I would.
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