Friday, December 16, 2011

SC2 Casting

I actually finally have someone that is good at casting, casting my games from Starcraft 2. His alias is Nomix. He's my cousin, but I'd like to think his casting is actually really good, and that I'm not biased just because he's my cousin.

The first of many are on his youtube page, and I'll link them here real quick, as well as his page.

Trilleon vs Neiko (PvP) Tal'Darim Altar LE

Neiko vs SadFrog (PvT) Shakuras Plateau

Thursday, October 27, 2011

Project Zomboid Code Stolen! (And what is to come)

I'm a little late on posting this, mostly because I've been busy + lazy, but figured I might as well post on it.

(Obvious joke is obvious)

A couple weeks ago, the leader of IndieStone was robbed, and the only two copies of the up to date code, was stolen with the two laptops in his house. Of course, it sucks to be robbed, but seriously? No off site back up for something you are making to feed yourself with? I'm not going to go and call him out and say bad words to them other than the obvious truth that they should have had an off-site backup.

Here we have a blog post from the devs, with a very cool and collected response to the community, letting the community know it is not the end as some have stated. I'm not a personal fan of business and personal life interconnecting, which is why I don't think it was a good idea for their lead dev to get drunk and post drunk twitter posts about it. Here is a screenshot of some of the things that were said. There were many more nasty things said, but if you want to find those, you'll have to look yourself because it really isn't that great to read when you want a game to progress.

Obviously, after that night, Project Zomboid looked grim. With the blog statement on their site though, it's clear they are not giving up, and honestly, that is all we should have seen. That statement from their writer about what is going on. Which is why I don't like it when companies use personal online profiles and talk about business, and vice versa.

Not too long after the original post from the IndieStone writer, they posted this update, stating that they had a little bit more backed up than they thought, but not nearly as much as they had hoped. At first they were stating they had to start back up from the last patch, but in that post they stated they had a bit more than they thought.

On top of that, the promised save on quit, and map changing features that were about to be released are now delayed even longer. As they stated, "We intend to pepper the NPC update with a few fun recipes and new items to compensate or, at least, compensate as much as we can." So, they're trying to work on something they can throw out faster as an update, compared to just doing what the had originally planned. Which is okay in my opinion. The community is very hungry for any update at the moment.

On top of all this, they were actually able to find someone else to help with the community. Hopefully they do their job nice and well, because honestly, the community face so far from IndieStone has not been the best. There are reasons why companies are very silent when things happen, and only post what needs to be known. Not everyone knows this, and it can take some painful lessons of community backlashes to learn it.

I still support Project Zomboid, and can't wait for more work to come out from it! =)

Monday, September 26, 2011

Scott Pilgrim vs the World (The game)

I watched the movie around the time it came out at a friend's house, and I thought it was fantastic. Although, it was a fail at the box office, and it didn't do that great, Universal stated that they were proud of the movie, even though it was considered a failure. Here is the quote, "(Universal was) proud of this film and our relationship with the visionary and creative filmmaker Edgar Wright.... Edgar has created a truly unique film that is both envelope pushing and genre bending and when examined down the road will be identified as an important piece of filmmaking." (,8599,2010830,00.html)

There reasons for the movie "failing" actually make sense. I read somewhere that made full sense of why. They stated "People under 30 don't get it" and "People over 30 don't get it", among other reasons ( While I sort of agree that I personally missed out on a couple references, that doesn't mean I didn't enjoy it. It makes logical sense why it wasn't that great of a success, but it's a shame, because it has a lot in the movie that just made it fantastic. Hopefully we might see more from Edgar Wright like this. Even though it "failed", as stated, Universal was proud of it. So that brings me hope to see more.

Now I'm a little late on this, but I have reasons. I'm mostly now saying just how much fun the video game is. The game came out around the same time as the movie (same month), but when that was happening, my ps3 was in the corner gathering dust. It actually has been doing that until recently when I picked it back up to take to a friends house to play for the weekend. I downloaded Kill Team (another fun game on consoles), and figured I would download the Scott Pilgrim vs the World game. Mainly because we just watched the movie again the weekend before.

The game is FANTASTIC for a couch game. It has no online co-op, only same console "couch co-op" with up to four players. Right off the bat, I fall in love with the game based on music and visuals. I absolutely LOVE the art and music style they went. The art has the old school pixely graphics and sounds, but with a twist. The graphics are all in HD. The colors all look fantastic, it's what I've wanted  every old school game to look like. It's all that nostalgia look, with the "now" hd look with it. On top of that, animations are all nice and smooth, and all the effects look fantastic.

The music itself is absolutely fantastic. I just cannot stop listening to it on my computer or in my car while driving. I feel like the 10 dollars itself is just worth the soundtrack in the game. It has all the old school drums and sound effects, but put together like the best of everything. It's like the artist knew exactly what I loved about old school music, put in some new, and made a collaboration of some of the best game music I have ever heard. Each of the zone's music are unique, and great.

Each and every song is different and gives you a nice feeling for the zone you are in. One of my favorite songs from the soundtrack is called "Bollywood". I'll give a link here from youtube. It just sounds like grade A old school boss music (spoiler, it's boss music). From old school generic NES music, to the revamped Japanese influenced music with NES sounds, all the music and sound effects in the game are fantastic.

There are little RPG elements splashed in as well, which is a very fun and interesting addition to the game. On top of being different characters (you all pretty much use the same moves, but they are all presented graphically different based on your character), you have 4 stats you can level up by spending money on food items in various stores. You receive money from killing people in the game, and they turn into coins. Don't worry if you end up picking all the coins up, in the stores you can press circle to give money to whoever you are standing next to. That way if someone accidentally picks up most of the money, you can all share.

The way you spend your money in stores depends on the item you are buying. There are "snacks" that work as one time uses when you die to bring you back to life depending on the "snack" you had. Otherwise, you just spend money on items to replenish health, gut points, and increase stats. There are 4 stats to level up, Strength, Defense, Willpower, and Speed (or something along those lines). Strength increases your melee damage with normal hits, increases damage from throws, and increases your chance to critical. Defense increase your amount of health points, increases your resistance to damage, and makes it harder to be knocked down. Willpower increases your gut points and the effectiveness of your special attacks (R1). Speed increases your movement and attack speed.

The stat system brings up plenty of possibilities the play the 4 (5 with dlc) characters. The "call down" (L1) that brings Knives Chau down all have different effects, and costs gut points to use. From proclaiming her love to Scott, dealing damage and knocking down all enemies, to appearing with a giant tea cup for Ramona giving everyone "rage", there is a lot of strategy that can be used with them.

Another great thing about the game, is how it deals with death. You have your HP, when it reaches 0, you are alive until you are knocked down (a benefit of high toughness). When you are knocked down, you eat your snack if you have one and get back up. Otherwise it takes your gut points, up to 50 and turns it into health. Once you run out of both health and gut points, you have a countdown of 9 seconds until you actually die. A friend can come over and revive you within those 9 seconds, but it isn't easy when a bunch of enemies are on screen trying to kill you. Should you lose all your lives, you appear as a ghost and can "steal" someone else's extra life.

The difficulty is there, and it can be challenging, even for a full group (it adds more mobs on the screen the more people playing). The game really seems to have been made to play with at least two people though. Trying to play the game solo on even the easiest difficulty can be hair pulling hard. If anything just for the cheap shots, and unbreakable combos from bosses/enemies. Using a life on a boss, only to get locked into a combo and constantly being knocked down the second you get back in the game calls for some balance issues... but it's okay with 2-4 people. The bosses become much easier with at least 2 people playing. This can be a problem though, since it's only local multiplayer.

Overall, the game is fantastic. From the soundtrack to the graphics to the light rpg elements, the game is definitely worth the $10 asking price, and the DLC is pretty cool. It adds some new game modes for multiplayer, and adds in Knives Chau as a playable character. If you don't at least try the game, you're missing out on a lot of couch co-op fun. Which feels hard to come by these days with every multiplayer game focusing on lobbies and online multiplayer and leaving out the basics. Oh, and before you play the game, I'd recommend you look at the "How to play" to give you info on extra moves and little tidbits of information like playing as a band to destroy everything on screen.

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Space Marine

The game "Space Marine" that came out ~a week ago is pretty fun. The campaign was fun, even though they made it pretty clear you can't be 100% melee. Grabbing a thunder hammer for 99% of the game was more punishment than anything. At least on hard difficulty it felt that way. I'd either plow through a spawn no problem with the Thunder Hammer, or have to restart it 5+ times because it's hard trying to melee everything.

If anything, I would highly recommend you do not go into the final boss fight with a thunder hammer. It was way too hard, and I had to rely on stupid A.I. to beat the game, rather than using the weapon correctly. There is a lot of ranged, or at least of lot of burst. So it's really hard to just melee through it on hard, even with fury.

The game was lots of fun though, and I loved fighting the bosses. The game's difficulty seemed to suffer from spikes. Some parts were fly through easy, others were so hard I had to restart some parts 10 times or more. I think half that is relying on the Thunder Hammer for the game, but they should make it possible to use that most of the game... There are certain parts where you have to shoot people down, and there are no two ways about it. You can't run up some path behind them, or climb the walls in front of them to punch them in the face. Nope, just have to shoot them down. Which can be a pain if all you have is a bolter, pistol, and thunder hammer.

Multiplayer is fun too, Melee feels broken though. It's either really easy, or really hard. Player skills can make playing melee a joke as well. Tactical marine sees you, gets to a better position, (even without this first part they can do the rest), you jump down and are either in his face, or close to. If in face, he has a second to action roll away. Now you are useless. If you're close to him, he can just action roll away if you get close enough to melee. He can just continue to kite you around until he kills you, or his team picks you off. Also, some Devestators/Havoks (big gunners) can kill you in their own face before you can kill them with melee. This is due to being more resistant to melee damage, having the ability to stomp and stun you, and then unleashing tons of bullets in your face that you can't do much about other than not be there. Yeah. Melee feels broken.

Melee rants aside, the game is great, runs pretty nice, looks pretty enough, and is worth it if you're a 40k fan.
(screenshots are of some of my customizations.) I might do a real review later of it, if people actually ask me to I will, otherwise I'm not sure if I would.

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Project Zomboid small update!

First off,
Edit- New post on another fix,

It seems the team is actually pretty hard at work, and they have a changelog of what's been done this small update.

A lot of fps issues appeared with the last few updates, so this is nice

Less rain.
It rained too often in the update. Pretty much more than half the time it was raining. This is also nice.

Various bug fixes.
They didn't seem to specify anything about this, but hopefully I no longer have zombies spawning behind staircases.

NPC tweaks 
They are attempting to make npcs less "hostile" towards you, and tried to make what they do more varied. Not sure what else an NPC is going to do, but we'll have to see what they have in plan down the line.

Multi-stage barricades
I haven't really had enough time or supplies in a game to create "real" barricades instead of just barricading the doors and windows. It sounds interesting though.

Increased sound muffle effect of being in/out buildings or different rooms
Some more realism is always nice. Being immersed is a great thing about this game.

Slowed down horde movement.
I found that I died a lot faster than I used to in the demo since the update, I actually like this. Some people may not.

They then leave a comment at the end
"teehee I love my spiked baseball bat, SQUISH, SQUSH, hehehe SQUISH, SNAP oh…"
If I had to guess, this is hinting to Item Durability.

All in all, a nice quick update with a few additions and some nice fixes and tweaks. They stated they are working on implementing saving in the background while releasing these small updates and fixes. So hopefully new areas and save games aren't too far off.

Edit- It seems they have another update that just came up that fixes a bug where you would infi-sleep. Obviously a game breaker. They also changed some perks and how uncooked food works. All in all, another nice quick patch.

Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Sunday, August 28, 2011

Project Zomboid Alpha re-released!

The people over at Indiestone have finally brought back out their paid version, and with many new features! From the character creator, to basic npcs, they are showing even more progress than before.

The first post came out yesterday evening letting people who have bought the game test the new alpha. Of course there were the few who felt entitled to a complete version, when they specifically stated that this was a buggy version. Even though some people had that mentality, most people actually provided useful bug reporting for the devs. As you can see here, within less than 24 hours, Indiestone has shown their dedication to creating the game and making it as enjoyable as possible by patching out a lot of the bugs and issues that were found.

Now, if you haven't bought the game yet, you can still play the out dated demo to see if you are at least interested (That demo itself was enough to make me drop the measly 5 Euros [About 8 US dollars]). If you are interested, you can still buy from google checkout and you are e-mailed your password to login. Should you not want to use google checkout, you can now use Desura and pay with paypal to purchase. If you've already bought it before, and now want to use Desura instead of the standalone downloads, you can activate your game on Desura. Steam support is currently not out, but they have stated multiple times you will eventually be able to activate your copy of Project Zomboid on Steam to receive updates.

Indiestone are currently using the same approach that Minecraft has, with the current price only for the time being, and then increasing the cost as more updates come out.

Here is my current character in the creator, I tried to give him the same attributes I would have (other than the job itself). Click for full size.

Monday, August 8, 2011

Project Zomboid!

(Image taken from Project Zomboid main site)

A game called "Project Zomboid" was brought to my attention a week or so ago from a friend on a forum website. The game takes old school style zombies (slow, dumb, and swarm you), and puts in rpg style survival elements. The game is currently only in alpha, but I'll be damned if what I've played in just the pre-alpha piece of beautiful crap demo isn't fun as hell.

I have a couple of minor playthroughs already done posted (although they are pretty informal, they show a little bit of how fun the game is, even in the extremely limited state the game is in now), so I'll just copy and paste them here for the sake of being lazy. One thing to note about the game, and one thing I actually kind of like, is how they setup how the game is supposed to play. You will die. There is no escaping death in this game. There is no secret magical cure. There is no rescue coming for you. You are going to die. No exceptions. The point of the game, is to try and live as long as possible, hoping for some way to continue life.

1st try -"I died before getting the soup, cuz when I was trying to make the soup zombies fucking PLOWED into the door. I only saw a few running around outside, when the door broke, fucking there were TONS. So I had a shoot out with a shotgun I found for a while, beat the shit out of zombies with a hammer, and then eventually died after I killed all the zombies. While holding a bowl of uncooked soup and a shit ton of other food."

2nd try - "I ended up not barricading the windows, but only the doors, so the zombies saw me while I was making soup and were banging on the doors hardcore. So I turned the oven off and went upstairs to listen to the radio. After that I just decided to barricade the room door and hope for the best. The trick that someone else said to stop the looter didn't work, and he still came in. I guess it's because I went to sleep. Either way, we had a quick draw, and he won."

3rd try - "When I was making the soup, I was standing in front of the stove to see the soup cook. The radio was going off upstairs, and then the wife talks to me as if I'm upstairs listening with her asking me if I turned off the stove.... I figured it wouldn't catch fire if I was there. So. Fire starts. I panic a bit, zombies start coming to the back door, I run up the stairs, start dragging my wife down the stairs to the front door. I un-barricade the front door, and zombies just PLOW in while I try to fight back with a hammer"

4th try - "Everything goes well. I turn off stove, go up, barricade door. Un barricade door, go back down, and the looter comes up. I put my hammer away cuz he tells me to. The long conversation goes by, and he starts talking about how my wife's leg looks like it was bit and is talking about killing her. I charge at him with the hammer and hit him out the window by the bed. I then spend the next 7 days running around town finding a bunch of food, pills, and whiskey. I also find an axe and a crap ton of shotgun shells. But I never found a shotgun. I go around town, I tried to make a molotov, but couldn't find any gas. I would of figured you could of just used the alcohol to make a little one at least. Maybe later. Either way, I end up going to the wrong side of town, because there are a bunch of zombies on the west side apparently. I try to fight a zombie with my axe, but he ends up injuring me (after I beat the shit out of 50 or something?). I try limping away to use painkillers and eat some food, but I just end up running into more and ended up dying in the yard where we were staying."

5th try - "My most recent playthrough, was pretty much the same, but when the radio was playing the news, I just went back downstairs halfway through, and was looking out the window for zombies in another room. I saw when the looter came in (I could see the front door open), and then I saw he opened the bathroom door next to me (all while still in the front room [it had a door but I didn't barricade it or anything]). Either way, he eventually walked up the stairs it seems, because he started talking with my wife. They have a little conversation that starts with him asking if there is anyone else, but she say's "Nope, just poor little old me" or something like that. It seemed like the conversation was leading towards him wanting to rape her, so I snuck into the room (I snuck up the stairs when they first started talking), and bashed the back of his head open with the hammer.
I end up dying pretty early in this run through, because I try to carry a lot of stuff back, but end up getting exhausted easily (since I'm carrying so much stuff). So I'm trying to run away from zombies, but I can only kinda power walk until I get tired. Then I start walking slow, and if I don't stop (because I'm carrying a lot), I end up walking even slower. So. I make it back to the house, but zombies start lining up outside and banging on the doors. I stay inside the house and the barricades hold for another day or so. I end up having a shoot out with the shotgun, but die a horrible death because there were just sooooooo many of them. I actually had another shoot out earlier in another house. I had attracted a lot of zombies with my flashlight (it was midnightish =/), and the house I went into didn't have a back door. That first shoot out was the beginning of the end though, because it just ended up attracting more zombies when I tried to book it home."

Needless to say, the game is really fun, even with the extremely limited alpha we can play now. I spent the measly 5 euros (~8 bucks in US Dollars) to pre-purchase the game, and have updates available to me when they come out (sort of like how minecraft works right now). They used to have a cloud server with the up to date game, but some crap happened with pirates and costing them server load money and they had to take the site down until they could implement a login feature for updating. Currently waiting on that to come out, but I honestly can't wait to see everything else in the game.

They have tons of features listed already in the game, as well as features they want to put in such as co-op multiplayer. I can't really say everything about the game here other than what I have, because otherwise I'm just going to end up copy pasta from their site here, so I'll just give the link to their site! I hope I made some other people interested in the great zombie game!

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

SC2, DoW2, and stuff

I've been practicing a lot in SC2 with my Protoss play, as well as my Chaos in DoW2. I can play DoW2 pretty damn well, if I do say so myself, but I'm still getting better in SC2. Supposedly, I'm getting a new computer as a gift in the next few months, mostly so I can stream myself playing games <_<;.. I'll start linking streams and whatnot when they actually look nice and don't lag a lot because my CPU is on fire.

Friday, July 22, 2011

Looking for a new CPU heatsink/fan

Need a new heatsink/fan for my core2quad. Using Intel 775 cpu socket. Any recommendations for a brand/model?

I'll probably find something soon, but looking out for recommendations. Nothing is broke, just looking to keep my CPU cooler, since the stock heatsink is a little lame.

Sunday, July 10, 2011


I finished playing Diablo with the Hellfire expansion, and the expansion part wasn't too interesting. The new items were nice, but the new areas were mostly boring. They were easier than Hell area. Mostly because Blood knights were apparently buffed in Hellfire, as well as making them harder in single player (wtf?). Anyways, I was going to do a let's play of Diablo 2 LoD, but I was thinking of doing a summoner necro, and I doubt that would be interesting to watch, so I probably won't.

Friday, July 1, 2011

Lack of posting

I have been a little busy, and haven't had much time to post some entries from DA2, or anything. Work, School, Car, Everything else. Car dying is no fun. Most of my free time has been in SC2 with my cousin, or Diablo (which I am nearing completion, finally got into hell). Although I'm playing a little bit of DoW2 again with the new expo.

Friday, June 3, 2011

Sales at gamestop!

So, haven't been posting much. Been busy, but not.

First thing, Dead Space 2 and Portal 2 were on sale at gamestop. $20 for Dead Space 2, and $30 for Portal 2. Both of which I've been needing to buy. I started up Dead Space 2 first, and I'm playing on Zealot difficulty. Holy crap, it's actually fun because it's a challenge. Up to the third chapter I think, and I hardly ever have a full clip in any of my guns =/.

Spent ~150 dollars on some books for Network+ and Security+ certifications. I wanted to pick up an A+ one as well, but Borders didn't have one at the store =/. Should be some good reading especially when I'm grinding isk in Eve.

Speaking of Eve, I'm in 0.0 right now with my old corp. Lost my first ship and pod in a while the other night. Ran into a bubble in my interceptor by myself D=. I haven't gotten too much into what's going on in our space, haven't really been available when we have our CTAs to assault the enemy. From what I've gathered though, we're winning the war.

I'll probably put up some more chapters from my DA2 game soon, but it probably won't be for a few days, busy all day tomorrow, and Sunday.

Monday, May 23, 2011

Starcraft 2

I have come to conclude... I am a very sore loser in Starcraft 2. Very, very sore loser. v_v

Monday, May 16, 2011

Car Repairs and not much else

The past couple of days have been pretty dull...ish. Just not much really going on.

I replaced my spark plug wires+spark plugs the other day in my 3000gt, here are some pics of the engine with the new additions. (First pic in each set is the old, and the second in each set is the new.)

 Other than that, I've got the start of little job next Saturday with my dad. It'll be interesting. I'll enjoy it more than my current job (When I'm doing it anyways, which isn't more than twice every two weeks currently =/)

I'm also picking up Eve and SC2 again a bit. Mostly Eve, I miss the time sink it gave me, not just because it was a time sink, but because I enjoyed it.

Here is my main character, all about the combats. Tons of skills trained to 5 for Amarr ships, and a lot of Caldari. I love missiles and lasers. Amarr ships are pretty cool, and Caldari ships are cool for me too. So I trained in one, and then now I'm maxing out my Caldari. (Kai Nah is her name)

And her old pic is here. I feel I got really close in the looks, with a bit extra that I wanted to add/change. Her eye color used to be a grayish color, I changed it to a green/hazel color, and was surprised at how close I got the hair color. I also couldn't put a metal plate on her face, so a tattoo will have to do.

Here is the pic of my indy char in the new char creator. (Meniku is her name)

And here is the old pic of her. I tried really hard to get the same facial features and fullness, but it just didn't work out that well. There is also the fact that there are no decals/accessories yet, so I can't have the hair bands and thing behind my head. I really couldn't get it much closer, the two systems were really different, and I couldn't get the cheek fullness like I wanted, and the nose was a little shorter height wise. Oh well, still looks good to me.

Sunday, May 15, 2011

G15 started working again

So uh, I decided to try and plug my G15 in the other day to see if it worked, and it didn't. Not really anyways. It plugged in, but pressing 1 pressed F1, certain keys repeated, and the problems went on. So I went back to my eclipse 2. I really didn't like the squishy feel of the eclipse, the feel of the G15 is just so much better for me. It's like, you have to actually press down for the keys to go, so you know when you've pressed it. Where the eclipse was just loosey goosey, and it was hard to tell if I actually pressed it sometimes.

Anyways, I looked around, and no other keyboards at the moment really grab my attention as "I MUST HAVE THIS" (other than the sc2 keyboard, but putting the numpad and arrow keys n stuff together just doesn't work out with me. I use those in combination too much. Mostly the delete key with the numpad.). Pretty much every keyboard I looked into because something was interesting, had reasons for me to not want it. So I decided, why not try again? Expect the worse, but hope for the best is a term I always seem to use. Anyways, it actually worked when I plugged it in!

So, bam. Until a keyboard really strikes me as a must have, I guess I'm just going to stick with my g15. Just wish it lit up more >_<

Saturday, May 7, 2011

Need a new keyboard

So I spilled a little (lot) of water on my g15 the other day, and I'm using my old Saitek Eclipse 2 for the moment. Upon taking it out, I remember the lighting I really like from it. Completely unnecessary, but I like it. I also remember why I bought another keyboard. Certain keys require more pressure to use than others to register.

I'm kinda tired of the G15, and I don't need the LCD screen anymore. It also doesn't light up nearly as much as the Eclipse does.

I looked into the Eclipse 3, but I've read of ghosting, and the non programmable macros make me want to look elsewhere. It has the lighting I like though =/

The older cyborg v.7 or some crap like that seemed pretty cool, but it was discontinued, and there are no blue colors. Which is kinda awkward, only having green, yellow and red. That choice is obviously not possible anymore anyways.

Thinking of G110, one cool thing about it is you can make any color within red and blue for the backlight. I really like the unnecessary lighting of the eclipse though, so this is hard to figure out.

I need suggestions for keyboards that I might like. Not many keyboards seem to have the full backlight effect like the Eclipse does, if they do, I don't know of them =/. Shades of purple are also preferred, being my favorite color and all.

Also, enjoy the conflicting backgrounds from the pictures.

Sunday, May 1, 2011

Gas Prices and Stupidity

So, when I first bought my car about 2 years ago, I looked up what octane gas I should be using with the phrase, "3000gt octane gas". I came up with the answer of 92 octane. So cool, just put in some premium gas, and I'll be fine.

2 years later (yesterday pretty much), I'm looking for a new car to buy. I found a 94 3000gt with DOHC engine and all extras. On the close up on the dash to show the mileage, I see the phrase, "Premium unleaded gas only". I then remember mine only says, "Unleaded gas only"... Hmm. Awkward.

So I start thinking maybe I don't need premium, but I'm not sure. So I refine my search with "SOHC 3000gt octane gas"... And lo and behold, I find out it since it gives less power, etc. etc., it only requires 87 octane gas...

So I'm all sorts of pissed at myself at that point, so I figure why not figure out how much money I've wasted. I calculated it to about $4500, more or less. If the price difference between the 87 octane gas and the 93 octane stayed about the same the last two years, I threw $4500 at gas companies for no reason.

The amount of face palm I gave myself when I figured this out, cannot be described in words.

Who would of thought 4 letters in a search could affect my life that much in the next two years.

Thursday, April 28, 2011

Entry 16 of Neiko Hawke. Assassins want my body.

 I figured the first thing I should do is help the assassins look for this "Zevran" that is supposed to be hiding with the Dalish. One of the Dalish approached me as I walked into the camp and greeted me with the phrase "Champion of Kirkwall". It felt a little awkward coming from a Dalish Elf, but it still had a ring to it.

Upon asking about where Zevran was, she instantly knew where he was. She told me that she was actually instructed to tell anyone who came looking for him where he was. On top of that, he was in the same cave the Varterral was in earlier. Which only has one entrance. Why would he trap himself like that?

Upon entering the cave, we had the same routine of killing a few amount of spiders, and we eventually reached the end. Where the Varterral was again. I asked why it was still here, since we already killed it once, and Merrill explained to me that he is bound to this site by a Dalish god until his purpose is served. So even if he dies, he comes back. That must suck.

After we killed the Varterral (again), Zervran came out saying he wasn't expecting to see me, he said he was expecting his clan to come by to kill him. Since him leaving them was grounds for them to kill him. Not only that though, but apparently he was supposed to kill the Gray Warden, but was unable to, which is another reason why they wanted to kill him.

He then went on about how famous I really am, and that he liked my body. I was... Uh... Yeah... I gave him a quick notion that I don't fly that way, and he accepted that. I don't have anything against it, but uh... No homo... Right? I tell him that I'd let him go, but then he told me that if I did, the crows would be after me next. So there is only one way to settle this.

I showed up at their camp, telling them I have Zevran, but I have no intention of giving him over. Their leader says he's disappointed and whatnot, but I honestly couldn't give two shits about their code. It's full of shit to me.

The fight breaks out when someone tries to jump on Zevran, but he quickly throws a dagger right into his eye as he ran at him from behind. The fight was a breeze. All these "Crows" were nothing but all talk, and Zevran was the real assassin here.

He thanks me for helping him with this task, and ends up giving me a nice pair of daggers. I didn't really have a use for them, but Isabela might, so I accepted them. He talks about how it was nice to kill his brothers for once, and that he has many more to kill at his hometown. Before he leaves though, he asks me if I would reconsider my opinion about a night with him, I again stood firm on my "No homo" deal. He shrugged it off and replied with, "If you ever change your mind, I'll be in Antiva". Ehh... <_< Sigh.

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Darkspore Entry 01. SPAAAAACCCEEEE

I picked up Darkspore earlier this week, and I finally got around to playing it. Being the anti-social person I am, I'm going to be playing solo the whole way.

Since I've already played the first few areas in the beta, playing the tutorial again was REALLY boring. =/

Anyways, upon starting up, one of the first things I went to do was modify one of my favorite characters, Blitz. His original art is right below this, but I like a more poky and angry looking approach. (Hence all the spikes and red)
Blitz's original art.

I also was given a higher variant of another character just for buying the game O.o. Can't complain I guess lol. (Maldri)

The environment is one of the things I like about the game, especially little things like this. A black hole ripping parts from the station off. Oh, and the backstory of this place is something along the lines of some people deciding they want to research this black hole. So obviously build right next to it. =p

The first boss was really easy, being the first boss and all. The second boss wasn't too bad, but his attacks were really annoying. If his attack hits you, it teleports you to a random location nearby =/.

If you want to know more about a specific thing in Darkspore, just leave a comment or send me a message, and in my next update I'll try to explain what was asked the best I can.

Thursday, April 21, 2011

Mortal Kombat

The new Mortal Kombat is so much fun, and I love the new Scorpion look.

I need to play more so I can unlock alt costumes and fatalities @_@

Monday, April 18, 2011

Ghetto Rigging Stuff On My Car

I spent about an hour ghetto rigging my coolant overflow cap to connect to the hoses this morning. The plastic connecting the hoses broke, so I had to find a new cap, buy a complete set (another tank and everything), or ghetto rig it.

I went to oreilly's looking for another cap. I really doubted they had one, but I figured might as well ask. I ended up finding an almost perfect fit replacement for the plastic that connected the hoses. Bought a new clamp for the outer hose and BAM. Fixed for less than 5 bucks.

Took a bit of time and creativity, but hell. Something about fixing a car like that leaves you with a feeling you don't really get anywhere else.

Here is the plastic piece that broke. I had to cut off part of the hose, I was unable to get the old piece that was stuck in it out =/

And here is the new fix I have on it. Replaced the c-clamp with a new better clamp. Freaking hate c-clamps.

Saturday, April 16, 2011

Vampire: The Masquerade Bloodlines

Vampire: The Masquerade Bloodlines is a great game. Patching it to 1.2 and then using wesps unoffical 7.3 patch fixes most bugs, and makes the game much more fun. I definitely recommend the game to almost anyone. It uses the source engine (but before hl2 came out), and works like dragon age with dialogue. It's great how the game gives you tons of options on how to approach almost any situation. The lore is really cool as well, I actually enjoy sitting there listening to the npcs talk away at me. This game has been doing a good job of keeping my attention off of recent things in my life.

Play it! (I played a Gangrel on my first run through. The quiz decided that was who I should be, and it was mostly correct lol. Lots of fun)

Sunday, April 10, 2011


Better to have loved and lost, then to have never loved at all...


Feels bad man.

Friday, April 8, 2011

Nexus: The Jupiter Incident

I just picked up a game on steam for 10 bucks the other day called "Nexus: The Jupiter Incident". The campaign so far is actually pretty damn fun. It has a really steep learning curve though (think eve online o.O), and a lot of things are not explained to you.

They give you the basics, but not everything is explained, and after the first two or so missions they pretty much stop helping you. They didn't even explain or help with ship customization, which is actually really important. Just as important as knowing what different weapons actually do.

After you learn most of it though, man it gets fun, and it's also quite pretty for 04. Some models are a little blocky, and a few backgrounds (I'm looking at you first missions where asteroids look pretty meh, and the asteroids in the background look like utter shit.), but effects look fantastic. Weapons look awesome, shields have a really cool effect, overall, the effects make up for some of the bad graphics.

It's weird though, your first ship looks "ok" at best, although some decently interesting things are happening to it, it's overall blocky, in a bad way. Not in the Caldari blocky way. The second ship you get though, actually looks pretty good!? I don't understand the difference in that, I guess they just half assed that ship since you only use it for a few missions.

Anyways, read an actual review on it if you're interested in mostly slow paced space rts games (it also has a pause feature by hitting space bar, like most of bioware's games), and if you like what you read/see on youtube, pick it up for 10 bucks on steam. Well worth it imo.

Also, I purchased myself a geforce 8400 low power/profile vid card to replace my dead 7900 for my second monitor. It has a large ass heatsink, but that's what you get for taking off the fan to use a little less power.

edit- here is the review that helped me decide if I wanted to buy it.

Sunday, April 3, 2011

Sins of a solar Empire

I was going to start a little journal on a Sins of a Solar Empire game, but apparently print screen, which is their screenshot button, doesn't work in vista/7. So I only have one of the screenshots, and I'm wondering if I should re-start, or just go with what I have now, and start it off late. I already had some epic fights, but I think I'm just going to restart. It just isn't the same starting in the middle.

Video card (again)

Ugh. My 7900 went out again after doing the oven cooking trick ( (It worked for a few months after cooking it when it died the first time, so I can't complain lol)

I'm going to try putting in my old X300 Radeon to see if it'll work this time. I was sort of frustrated and too angry with it before to really try anything, but it wouldn't go to a high resolution, even though it's max resolution is 2048 x 1536.

Entry 15 of Neiko Hawke. Family, Friends, and Business.

 After the little verbal fight in front of the Chantry, I went towards my house to check my mail. On the way, I saw a Qunari still lingering around. He said that he has come to collect Qunari blades, and would like me to return any I found. He asked if I needed payment for finding them, but I refused a payment. I already put enough anguish on the Qunari for now.

While browsing the Hightown market, I was stopped by someone from Antiva. He said he was looking for an assassin that left "The Crows" who fled to the Dalish. Apparently "The Crows" are a reputable assassination group from Antiva, and leaving the group is grounds to be killed. He asked if I could find him and return him to their camp outside so they could punish him, but I didn't make any promises. I just said I'd keep a lookout for him.

 I found some new armor at the merchants in Hightown as well! =o

Continuing my sweep of merchants in Hightown, I found my old business partner who told me something terrible has happened at the mine in the Bone Pit. He said that his last shipment came in on a half destroyed wagon with mangled bodies and charred remains. I needed to check this out soon, to see if I could find any survivors and fix the problem.

I finally went home after visiting all the Merchants in Hightown, only to find my Mabari  barking at my armoire. There was apparently a thief in my house trying to steal from me. He just wanted to leave now, but I wasn't going to let him just leave after breaking and entering my house. I told my Mabari to go find the guards, and bring them back to arrest the robber. (Which he did)

I also found Merrill staring out of the window. She was talking about how everything seems so far away now that she's in Hightown. She then says that she needs to go to her house, and that she'd be home before dark. I asked her why she doesn't just bring her stuff to my house, but she said that some things are better off far from here. I'm guessing she was talking about her mirror.

 I was about to leave my house to go find Merrill since it was getting dark and she wasn't back yet, but Bodahn said he needed to talk to me. He was telling me about how he was starting to get old, and he needed to make sure Sandal was somewhere good, and that Sandal could move on with his life without Bodahn having to be there. I said that Sandal will always have a place here for me to make enchantments, and Bodahn thanked me for that, but he said that the Empress from the Imperial court had offered Sandal a job at enchanting there. Good for Sandal.

I went to go check on Merrill, since it was already dark and she wasn't back yet, and I found her at still at her old house. She was telling me how the Mirror still wasn't working, and she doesn't know what else to do now and that she's all alone in this. I reassured her that no matter what, she isn't alone, and I'll always be here for her.

Since I was in Lowtown, I decided to check on Gamlen. He had a note on his desk about a rare gem waiting for him. I'd have to check that out later. Gamlen goes on talking to me about how even though he doesn't agree with me, he's still glad that I'm his family. He was afraid that our family in Kirkwall would end with him, and he's glad that I'm here to bring our name out of the ground back to what it used to be.

I decided to check on Isabela in The Hanged Man after that, and she was moping around when I came up to her. She was saying that we have nothing in common anymore, and that there is no reason for her to stay around anymore. I told her that no matter what, she still came back for us in the end, and I could still use her skills.

Lol Varric.